This dataset provides residential and total per capita water use from 2008 onward. Per capita water use is the amount of water used by one person per day in litres/capita/day (lcd).
Water Use Definitions:
"Residential Per Capita Use” includes both residential and multi-residential metered consumption within the City of Edmonton divided by the total Edmonton population.
“Total Per Capita Use” refers to total treated water production water minus water exported to regional customers divided by the total Edmonton population.
A residential customer uses water primarily for domestic purposes, where no more than four separate dwelling units are metered by a single water meter.
A multi-residential customer uses water primarily for domestic purposes, where more than four separate dwelling units are metered by a single water meter.
A regional customer is a customer outside the City of Edmonton who is supplied water through a water supply agreement.
In 2014, Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) set targets to be achieved by the year 2020 for residential and total per capita water consumption.