This inventory is a snapshot in time of vacant industrial land in Edmonton using data collected from January to December of each referenced year. This is a dataset using centroid points to geolocate vacant industrial land parcels in the city. The data was generated by extracting vacant industrial land data from the City of Edmonton’s Tax Assessment Control System and provides a summary of vacant industrial land in Edmonton’s industrial areas.
A vacant lot is classified as a registered lot (serviced or unserviced) that contains no permanent or temporary structures or developments at the time of inspection.
The City of Edmonton provides this information in good faith. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this report, the City of Edmonton provides no warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or correctness of information contained herein. The City of Edmonton disclaims any liability for the use of this information. No part of this material may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without acknowledgement.
The City of Edmonton has shifted the delivery of legal and title parcel mapping to the provincial government and their designated partners. As of November 1st, 2021, the City will no longer provide datasets with land parcel boundary polygon geometry. Alberta Data Partnerships (ADP) - - and their joint venture partner AltaLIS - - now have the responsibility for making this information available for most of the province, including within the City of Edmonton.