The Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton is an inventory of structures/resources in Edmonton that merit conservation and may be eligible for designation as Municipal Historic Resources. Resources are placed on the Inventory because they have architecture or social significance to the development of Edmonton or its neighbourhoods.
Urban Planning & Economy, in conjunction with the Edmonton Historical Board, has a mechanism to review nominations/amendments to add or delete properties to or from the Inventory. The Inventory also identifies buildings at Fort Edmonton, some landscapes and trees, cemeteries and monuments, street furnishings, and architectural fragments in the Appendix. The existing zoning, development rights and regulations continue to apply to properties on the Inventory.
The Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton is the official list of all resources on the Inventory that have been designated as a Municipal Historic Resource. Municipal Historic Resources are legally protected by a Bylaw instrument from demolition and inappropriate alterations. Any building or structure on the Register is eligible for assistance under Policy C-450B.
Other resources that may be of interest include: