Information from the campaign disclosures filed by official candidates in municipal elections have been split into two datasets.
- This dataset, Municipal Election - Filed Campaign Disclosures is from page 1 of Form 21 Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement for election years 2013 & 2017 and Form 26 Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement for the 2021 election.
Municipal Election - Filed Campaign Disclosures (Campaign Contribution Listing) lists the name and contribution amount for those whose contribution exceeded the reporting threshold set by the LAEA (contributions of $100.01 and greater for the 2013 and 2017 election; contributions of $50.01 and greater for the 2021 election).
There are a number of important regulations regarding campaign financing that all official candidates must follow to meet their legislated obligations. These regulations are described in the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA), specifically in section 5.1 Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure. All official candidates, including those who withdrew their nomination, are required to file a campaign disclosure and finance statement with Edmonton Elections.
Disclaimer: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Technology was used to transcribe the filed disclosure statements. Errors may occur during this process. Please refer to the original filed disclosure statements found on
Note that financial amounts have been stored as text. This has allowed a more faithful transcription of the true records submitted by candidates, which includes marks such as "âś–", "âž–", and "âś”" (rendered as "<X>", "<dash>", and "<checkmark>", respectively), and "<blank>". The strings "nil", "none", and "zero", however, have been rendered as "0". To perform numerical analysis on this dataset, we recommend accessing the data using a third-party tool. Please see the platform's support documentation for more information at