Performance analytics is most often used to gain insight into a city’s progress toward strategic priorities, it should also be used to measure the performance of the open data program itself.
Increase open data usage and application to include use cases such as innovative solutions to public challenges, development of consumer or commercial products and informed citizen interactions with members of City Council
Real gross domestic product (GDP) measures the total unduplicated value of goods and services produced within the Edmonton census metropolitan area (CMA) in a given year, adjusted for inflation.
Household income represents how Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area households are experiencing economic opportunity to afford the goods and services that they require, as measured by median household gross income.
Housing Cost Burden represents the percentage of Edmonton households whose shelter costs are more than 30% of their total before-tax household income (percentage in unaffordable housing).
Community greenhouse gas emissions represent Edmontonians' impact on the atmosphere as measured by greenhouse gas emissions both in total and per capita.
Education level represents Edmontonians (15 years and older) who have attained a post-secondary certificate or degree as their highest level of education.
Gains in employment mean more individuals are working and earning labour income. This leads to increased demand for goods and services which supports many services-producing sectors in the Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA).
Gross Domestic Product represents the size of our economy as measured by the value of goods and services produced in the Edmonton census metropolitan area both in total and per capita.